Saturday, April 04, 2009


Cameron asked Sarah out. She told me today that he asked her out to go to a movie this weekend. She's 8 years old! But then again, they are engaged so I guess it's ok. Have fun kids!!


Unknown said...

I need an audience with Sir Mr Cameron. Can you arrange that please?

Carla said...

Yes, Mr. Stream. You two have a lot to chat about, I imagine.

Krystal said...

Oh wow, sounds like they have their whole lives planned out.
LOL, sounds like mom and dad will be sitting in the row right behind these two!

Kara Jo said...

Oh my goodness.

Carla said...

Sarah will now be homeschooled until she is 33.

erin said...

LOL. Shirley is allowed to date at 30, and marry at 40. Mayhaps you'd like to order a chastity belt from with me? If we order together, we'll only have to pay shipping once.
Think about it.

Melissa said...

Too cute!! Sounds like me when I was a kid!! LOL The object of my affection was always my "groom to be" LOL. What can I say.....I love hard and love much!! Still am that way today with my friends; whether they know it (or care) or not. :) I make friends for life!! I'm glad that you're one of them, Carla!! OXOXO