Friday, April 03, 2009

One More

A duck walks into a hardware store and says to the manager, "Got any grapes?" The manager tells him no and the duck leaves. The next day the duck is back and asks the manager, "Got any grapes?" The manager says, "No, we don't have any grapes." The duck leaves. The next day the duck comes back and asks the manager, "Got any grapes?" The manager yells, "No! We don't have any grapes and if you come back in here again and ask for grapes I'm going to nail your bill to the floor!!!" The next day the duck comes back. "Got any nails?" The manager says no. The duck says, "Got any grapes?"

HT Pat


The Raving Theist said...

Holy crap, a talking hardware store manager.

The Raving Theist said...

A woman walks up to the counter and says "I'd like ten pounds of cheddar cheese."

The manager says, "You must be from Wisconsin!

The woman says, "Yes . . . but how did you know? Just because I ordered cheese?

The manager says, "No . . . because this is a hardware store."

Carla said...

Good morning, RT.

LadyD said...

RT ! Comment number one!
I needed that~

Kara Jo said...
