Wednesday, July 06, 2022

In Loving Memory

of Ben Prince.  Son of Tim and Darcy Prince.  Brother of Caleb and Jordan. 

The Prince, Stream and Christopher families were heading to a ranch in CO for a vacation.  We did not know that we all planned to stop halfway in York, NE.  It was around 9pm on July 3rd that the pool ceiling collapsed on top on Ben. We were called over to the Hampton Inn to be with our friends in this time of shock and grief. What a complete tragedy that a precious 10 year old boy had lost his life in that way.  
Our family of faith has seen to every need of the Prince family.  God's people taking care of each other. 

We will see you again Benjamin Roger Prince.

My Ben story.  I came out of the women's bathroom at FCC at the same time as Ben. I said, "Hi Jordan!!" Ben said, "I'm not Jordan. I'm Ben."  I replied, "I am so sorry Ben."  "That's ok. It happens all the time," said Ben. Then he scampered off to chase his beloved brothers all around FCC as they do.

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