Thursday, June 10, 2010

The List

Last day of school today. Wow. I do feel an anxiety rising up as I wonder how to keep all of the Streamers loving and learning and growing this summer. Here is what I have so far.

1. 3 weeks of Summer School
2. Daily devotions
3. Heart training
4. Chores and more chores for disobedience
5. Rewards for obedience
6. $1 to mom for back talk
7. Joshua makes lunches
8. Playdates!
9. Mom time!
10. Fun. Have fun.


Reegz said...

WHAT?! 3 weeks of Summer School? I only got 2? Ripped off!

Carla said...

Josh has 3 weeks. The other 2 have 2.
So you aren't too ripped off over the river.

Karla with a K said...

We get none in CT :(
(not that I can complain - I get the last week alone with the kids because Dad is a teacher. The rest of the time, it's a 2 parent summer. I bow down to you all who do the vacation alone. And to single parents any time of year.... speechless!) (heading for the coping corner just thinking of it!)

I love your list. Am thinking of showing it to my bunch. You'll probably hear the wailing in Hudson over #6. But I think it's a good one.

Janet said...

I'll be over on Monday. That was an invitation, right?

Carla said...

Get over here!!

#4 worked like a charm today!! Happy Summer to you!! It only lasts 90 days or so.

Carla said...

#4 worked like a charm today!! :)

Get over here!!

Carla said...

Not sure what happened there. Where's my trash can?

Karla with a K said...

Someone hid it after doing #4?

(I think it's good you didn't place #4 a couple higher on the list. Just sayin')