Monday, June 07, 2010


I am glad that Joshua is always thinking. And talking about what he is thinking. Although it wears me out. He came home today after school with this. "Hey, mom why does the word lisp have an s in it? It makes it harder for people with lisps to say the word lisp."


kristi noser said...

That made me laugh.
Here's one for him:
Why do you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?
And another:
Why are there Interstate highways in Hawaii?
I could go on and on.

Carla said...

Please do. You could go on and on here or do a blog post!! Up to you.

Anonymous said...

It makes me think that he is an especially empathetic person. Maybe there is someone he knows who has a lisp?


Henrietta G. Tavlisp said...

It's onomatopoeia. Pronounce THAT.

Carla said...

Pronounce it? I blogged on it already.
Type onomatopoeia into search. Read it and weep.

Carla said...

He is a very sensitive boy. You might be right.

Henrietta G. Tavlisp said...

I bet the mute have a harder time saying "mute" than lispers do "lisp." And why do we spell out "blind" at all, except in Braille? Or pronounce the word "deaf"?

I will read your post on onomatopoeia. And if I do weep I will say "boo hoo" to stay on topic.