Saturday, December 29, 2007

You Decide

There is a saying that is said. A lot. It is said in regard to the raising of cherubs. It bothers me. And since I am a bothered blogger I have taken it upon myself to officially try to change this saying. Here are two options.
From this

It Goes So Fast.

To this

It Goes Just Fast Enough.


Helpful person "It goes so fast."
Me "That is not such a bad thing."


Anonymous said...

Hi Carla,

Hm - what about that bothers you? I always look at that statement in one of two ways. First, sometimes it seems it's just small talk. Something to say instead of nothing. Other times, it seems it is parents whose babies are either all grown, or their babies just aren't babies anymore. And it is a wondering - as in - it seems like just yesterday I was pushing my firstborn in a stroller. Now my youngest is a high school freshman! Or something like that.
Can you tell me more?
Ok, goodnight - KR

Carla said...

It bothers me because I hear it all the time. I am tired of that saying. I am tired. I really will miss the baby stages, toddlerhood too but I am also looking forward to relating to my adult children.

Carla said...

It's almost a stating of the obvious I guess. I have no problem with the silence and the pauses in conversation. I'm crazy like that.

Anonymous said...

Ok - I get it. And I know what you mean. And you're right about looking forward to when they are adults. Though, all things in their own time.
(Wow, you are a morning person!)

zcoffeegirl said... bothers me, too. I get it.

I think sometimes it is a way of small talk, I think karla with a K is right. Other times..I think what I am hearing behind it is this message..."Don't complain that you're tired, enjoy them while they're young..soon they'll be gone"..and even though that is true....there is guilt that is heaped upon my weary head every time I hear that phrase.

The truth? I love my children with my whole heart, and yes, they are gifts from God..but, I'm still tired. All.the.time.

Let's face it..we're middle-aged women with toddlers. Have them while you're young, people!

Love you, girl.

Carla said...

Who you callin middle aged?? Love you too!

kristi noser said...

As a woman on the other end of the age spectrum, I agree with you that toddlers wear you out! No doubt about it. Know what you'll be thankful for in the future? That you blogged. So when they're walking out the door for the next part of their life you'll have all those blogs to remind you of all the funny things they said and did. Thank you God for Blogbaby books!

Sarahviz said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you!