Saturday, November 24, 2007

Hate Is a Strong Word

It must be an older couple. An older couple who raised a lot of children. They have been through a lot. They did it. They invented a small, rubbery looking animal and thought covering it in oil might be good, could be fun. After every birthday event Joshua or Sarah brings one home. THWACK! It hits our flat painted wall and leaves its oily mark.(Note to parents-paint all walls with high gloss paint. The padded room is for you.)A decree has been decreed. These "toys" are no longer welcome here.


theswamphare said...

I wince less at the nasty, messy toys that people give our kids; I figure that they will maek all the mess that they have the potential for, the kids will clean off and the garbage will enjoy them. Who knows what fond memories they will create?

Jeff Burton said...

You are mistaken. Toy designers don't have children. And they laugh every day at work, thinking of the misery they cause parents.

kristi noser said...

I think they laugh knowing that the dog will eventually get the toy and make a bigger mess on the floor.

Kara Jo said...

While we're at it, let's go after the folks that invented flat paint. Seriously, now, what were they thinking?

Qtpies7 said...

Seriously! Stupid people. Ok, they are fun toys, but I hate having them in the house. But, I do have gloss paint because I have 7 kids and not having gloss would be stupid. they have hands they don't wash, and all sorts of other behaviors besides the stupid toys sent home from birthday parties.