Thursday, November 01, 2007


It turns out that Nathan is pretty excited about turning 4. I mean the boy has plans. If I ask him to eat his supper, pick up his room, go to his Lifeshaping class or wear a warmer coat he says, "When I am 4, Mom. I do dat when I am 4." Yes. On the date of his birth Nafe will be quite the perfect boy. Not that I intend to hold him to the list. I'm just sayin.


erin said...

Your kids!
I love em.
I hope mine are as cool as yours.

Irene said...

Hi Carla,

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

I enjoyed reading your 'being real' entries. We found out Caroline was "incompatible with life" during our pregnancy and were strongly urged to end our pregnancy. She is now 4 1/2 and doing quite well. I never ever ever thought I could handle a special needs child, but I do and don't regret my decision for one second. She is a doll baby.

My now 6 yo used to also give me the "when I'm 6 I'll do it" (yea right) assurances to me. So funny.

Carla said...

Thank you Irene. I admire you very much and am grateful for Moms like you who choose life for their babies!!

LadyD said...

Dylan always said "Mom, when I am five- that's when I will wipe my own butt." He turned five in May. Now he says "Mom, How bout I wipe it when you are busy, and you wipe it when you aren't busy."

kristi noser said...

I keep saying I'll do stuff when I'm 50. Like vacuum and clean the bathroom.
Oh and:

Whoo Hoo Irene! Way to be strong against the tide girl!

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

4 was a big deal for Nicholas, too.