Sunday, August 07, 2005

Dear Dentist

I shouldn't be blogging. I will tell you straight up. It's Sarah's 5th birthday today. She has been in the tub for an hour so I could mop the floor. I want her good and pruned up for the party. Daddy took Josh and Nathan to Target to get Sarah's present. God bless Pat good today!! I have a bazillion things to do. But I am trapped. Once you mop our floor you will find yourself trapped in the living room, the bedrooms or downstairs. I do like to have choices, so I figured I could sit in here and type away while the floor dries. Don't worry, Sarah will get soap in her eyes, Strawberry Shortcake will fall out of the tub and I will need to retrieve her or Sarah will just get out of the tub and come and drip on the mopped floor. Clean houses are overrated anyway. If cleaning were so important then why is it the first thing to go when you don't feel well?
I want to type about Sarah's last visit to the dentist. I had a sitter for Nathan and the drive is a good 35 minutes one way. Sarah refused to open her mouth. The dentist pulled out his bag of tricks....look in Mommy's mouth, Joshua's mouth, sit in the chair, play with the magic drill. Sarah refused to open her mouth.(Did I say that already?) I was beyond mortified when I decided to go home. The receptionist told my children to come and get their prizes. I said Joshua could get one. The receptionist stared at me with a look of horror and I had the feeling that no child had EVER left that office without a prize. Sarah quite possibly would be the first! I took her hand and walked out. In the van, I noticed Joshua handing Sarah a superball. The receptionist slipped it to Josh to give to Sarah!! Busted and confiscated. I was so angry by this point and thankful for the 35 minute drive back. Joshua kept shaking his head and muttering,"All this way for nothing!!" I begged God not to let me lose all control with my girl!! She cried all the way. Sarah realized that she was in a teensy bit of trouble. Very intuitive. She stayed in her room until Daddy came home for supper.
We have not been back to the dentist yet. My assignment was to PLAY DENTIST with all the goodies he sent home with me. Not gonna happen. A new battle plan will be devised and executed and Mommy shall choose which hill to die on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a treat. Our internet has been down all week and it miraculously "tuned" back in today. So many entries to read, how fun. Have a great time with the birthday party. After you get a bigger collection going you should really publish these. . . in your spare time of course. I'm laughing out loud all by myself in front of the computer. These are hilarious. I love it.