Tuesday, May 02, 2017


3 DAYS!!
For the last 3 days I have walked around my block. In the rain. wethairdon'tcare It may not seem like a big deal. But it is. To me.
 For the last 3 years I have struggled with my health(adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, severe anemia, a frozen shoulder, bleeding to death every month, ladysurgery 2 weeks ago, PMDD, LMNOP)
NOW I want to move the bod. I have watched the scale go up and up and up and my shape become...um...shaplier. I used to work out!! I used to lift weights and do cardio! I was strong! I was fit! I started and finished 2 triathlons and was in Muscle and Fitness magazine! butIdigress
I have 28 pounds to lose but so much more to gain.
I WILL DO THE HARD THINGS!! With God's help!
I raise my water bottle up to you this morning. I don't know what battles of the mind, body or spirit you are facing today. But I pray that you persevere with me. That you run the race with me. We are in this together.
WE WILL DO THE HARD THINGS!! With God's help! <3 span=""> <3 span=""> <3 span="">

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