Right now there are all kinds of samples taped to the wall. Too many names, too many choices. Restful, Promenade, Grasshopper Wing, Groundcover, Mother Nature, Boston Fern, Grapevine, Fiddle Leaf, Olivine, False Cypress and Cargo Pants. Good grief. To be on the safe side I think we should go with the one called Sagey. Yeah. That has got to be it.
Sage advice.
I am going to go with the color Sage Advice.
You should know Kristi would give you sage advice. ;)
FWIW, I love paint and color. If you want an unbiased eyeball, I'd be happy to stop by.
I know the woes of seeking elusive paint color. We were after sage up north and I lived with a minty green color for years before we finally repainted.
Good luck!
Paint a section of your wall WHITE - then paint the NEW color that you want on the wall and see what you think of it - you may have to use blinders to block out the other colors ... :) Happy painting!
July, good call!
Thank you, Can Do Mom and July. :)
I have been told that the color sage is now going out of style. No matter. Maybe it will come back around and I will still have it.
Wisdom of the sages.
Your sage is showing.
I recommend the paint samples too (but you might want to give yourself a budget.) I've also painted a spare piece of sheetrock (who has these just lying around, right?), so I could move it around the room to see how different lighting effects it.
I like to paint.
Good luck!
read a green book, turn the sages.
Do you work for minimum sage?
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