Monday, December 20, 2010

Life On The Edge

There is nothing under the tree yet. Except Griffen. And sometimes Tim. We did most of our Christmas shopping online this year. Patrick told me that everything is set to arrive somewhere between December 21st-24th. Which totally appeals to me for some reason. Might as well have the UPS guy come on in and just hand out the goods to the children. Cut out the middle man. Or middle parents as it were.


kristi noser said...

I love shopping online, but not a fan of the will-it-be-here-on-time anxiety.
But then again, if I ordered before the 17th...

Kandi said...

That's pretty cool...unless the UPS person comes in dressed in a red suit. Then, you'll have some 'splainin' to do...

erin said...

Ps. My word verification is conifis. That's not all that far off from conifers.