Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I Dunno

I do have to wonder if someday I will miss Nathan and Timmers running and screaming at the top of their lungs through the house at 6:30am, making Griffen hiss, fighting over nothing and sitting on each other's heads. The Masters of Mayhem have endeared themselves to me.


Anonymous said...

Maybe they just want to let you know they are awake!!! (just in case you didn't know.........) Noni

Carla said...

I do believe that in a mere 7-9 years I won't be able to get them out of bed in the morning. :)

Karla with a K said...

I would not miss a 6:30 a.m. ritual. But the other day after school my 2 youngests went hooting and hollering through the house for about a 1/2 hour after school laughing their butts off. And I think sitting on each other's heads as well. It was joyous to me. And since no-one got hurt, I did not ask them to stop. I loved their laughter and know I will miss it.

kristi noser said...

What is with the sitting on each other's heads? I think that's hilarious.

Carla said...

Sometimes there are sound effects. Sometimes not.

Anonymous said...

Yes. You will. Definitely.


Carla said...

When they are facing the tough challenges of life as adults and making decisions that I disagree with I am sure I will beg them to come back home and sit on each other's heads.

Thank you for your perspective, Carole.

Anonymous said...

Oh ya - you'll just miss anything about them ... :) I know - mine are out and grown and they don't need me much anymore ... and I miss those days ...