Monday, October 04, 2010

Thanks, Tim

I wore these pants last night and didn't notice the artwork until someone pointed it out to me at LATTE.


Karla with a K said...

Hilarious. (well, sort of. Not looking like washable ink.)

Janet said...

Too funny. I think hairspray is the antidote.

Janet said...

You look VERY skinny in those pants, by the way.

Kandi said...

It's a designer original. :D

kristi noser said...

That made me suck air.

Kelli said...

What the??

Carla said...

If your name is Tim

get a ball point pen
find a pair of pants that mom laid out to wear to Latte
scribble to your hearts content
blame it on your siblings but later confess

Karla with a K said...

I was gonna comment on her "Flat Stanley" look in the pants, too. You know, in a good way.

Carla said...

Thank you. Flat Stanley. ha

erin said...

Skinny, indeed.
I totally sucked air, too. When KJ mentioned it, I had NO IDEA it was this...intense.
Also, LOL.

Carla said...

I put my clothes out for a prolife banquet tonight then thought better of it.

Carla said...

Oh and I sucked air too and then snapped the picture.

Pat said...

I thought "Why is she walking out of the house tonight with all that writing on her pants. She must be doing something funny at Latte...a skit or something. Huh."

Carla said...

Yeah. Right. Ok.

erin said...

Pat, LOL!

Karla with a K said...

"Huh." <--- lmbo at that!

...Yea, it was something funny. This post!