Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tail Gating

Driving home with my family one night a car rode so close to me that I couldn't see the headlights. I consider myself to be the Keeper of Driving Under the Speed Limit, so I slowed down to 22 mph in a 25. I thought this would somehow help this poor soul to understand my frustration. It did not. Being the defensive driver that I am I pulled over to the side of the street to allow him to go around me. He drove into his driveway, as I sat parked in front of his house. I guess I showed him.


Anonymous said...

That'll learn him.


Karla with a K said...


Bethany said...


Jana from Running Vegetarian said...

That is so funny!

I once saw a bumper sticker (and I am considering trying to find one online) that said, "the closer you are, the slower I go"

Janet said...