Friday, October 01, 2010


We signed Nathan up for flag football. He wanted to try it. He no longer wants to try it. In fact, the last Saturday turned into this huge battle to get him out the door and try it again. We got down to the real issue this morning.
Dad "Nathan, why don't you want to play flag football?"
Nathan "Those guys all act like they hate me and want to try and hurt me."


Anonymous said...

On a serious note, if it's not his thing, I'd drop it. Maybe the other guys really are jerks.


Carla said...

Yeah. Can't force a boy onto the field to play a game he doesn't want to play. Letting it go.......

Karla with a K said...

I'm picturing all these refrigerator sized 6th graders all lined up against him with mean grimaces on their faces. Poor Nathan.

Carla said...

Well some of those 3rd graders are head and shoulders above Nath. :)

No worries. He is watching cartoons and the word football is not going to be uttered by me this morning.

erin said...

Tell him Richard wants to talk to him.