Thursday, March 18, 2010


In a nutshell-

Nobody sleeps at all in a hotel. Why do we bother?

Tims and Nathan kept trying to drown themselves in the wave pool. I gave up trying to save them and let other parents have a go.

I did not see Josh at all unless he was hungry.

When Timmers stood at a fountain and drank pool water a mom looked around for his parent. I looked away. Drink all the chlorinated water you can hold, buddy.

You do not get a refund when a child poos in the kiddie pool. It was closed for hours and even had orange BIOHAZARD tape around the perimeter.

I wrongly assumed it was one of ours who pooed.

There is no lack of flesh, tattoos, belly button rings and hairy backs at a waterpark.

Some of those fleshly folks did not seem concerned in the least with how they looked in their suits. Oh my. Why am I self conscious??

When your youngest cannot stop screaming in desperation at the thought of leaving, it's time to leave.


Kelli said...
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Kara Jo said...

Oh my goodness--you are so funny! Having just gotten back from a waterpark ourselves, I am doubly relating! No poo in the kiddie pool here, though. Oy.