We usually pick a spot to set our stuff. It is command central for anyone needing a towel, a snack, a timeout or just a place to whine about whatever. Next to us sat a family of 5. They munched away on multi colored goldfish and Ritz crackers and sucked on juice boxes. Goldfish spilled onto the floor. Did I mention they were multi colored? Purple, red and orange. They got all soggy along with the Ritz and I assumed that soon and very soon the family would pick it all up because there were people stepping in their mess! Ugh. The family got up, stretched and headed off for another part of the park. After all they had had their snack and someone else would most likely pick up their gunk. Patrick and I did. I grabbed juice boxes, straws and straw wrappers. Patrick dumped enough water to move the fish along to the nearest drain. We looked at each other and just shook our heads.
Thanks for picking up after them.
Some people can be so rude!
Some people are just shuffling stains.
Know waht upsets me the most? Just like the woman (I almost said "lady" but um...not) I saw t chuck her fast food garbage out the window of the car while her children watched--what are we teaching our children? Those children are more apt to expect someone else to clean up after them because that's what they have been taught. Sick.
Let's not teach our children lazy!!!
**Kristinoser will now step off the soap box to make room for someone else.
Know what upsets me more? proofing my comment, posting and realizing I spelled what "waht".
ok not really.
Did you report them to the pool police?
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