Wednesday, January 06, 2010


When my husband and I are at Bible Study I have come to expect a couple of calls from Joshua and Sarah. They must think they have an emergency on their hands. I say nay. Time to go over what constitutes an emergency. These are just a few of the reasons for calls.

1. Timmers won't stop talking.

2. Timmers won't wear his diaper.

3. Timmers wants more popcorn.

4. Timmers wants to say goodnight to Momma.

5. Timmers shoved kleenex up his nose.


Kelli said...

F. None of the above.

Carla said...

You made my day!! I LOVE when people mix up the letters and speaking and writing.

Number One blah blah blah
Number Two blah blah blah and
C blah blah blah

Thanks, babe! :)