Thursday, November 19, 2009


I had a 20 dollar bill in my wallet and then I didn't. I started thinking that I imagined having it. A money mirage, if you will. Nathan found it under Timmer's bed. I lost my debit card last Friday. I couldn't find it all weekend and figured that I misplaced it, identity theft, someone is having a blast being me, call the bank. Tims handed me my card yesterday. He wants money, honey.


Janet said...

Gotta nip that bad habit early. Or make him work it off. He's three, he should know better. (just kidding)

Vannah said...

"It sprouted legs! I waved it away and it just kept coming back!"


Karla with a K said...

(Vannah, is that a song reference?)

At least all the $ wasn't sucked out of the account from somewhere like Malaysia. You know where this dude lives. (And I have full faith you and Pat know just what to do about it.)

kristi noser said...

I guess the good thing is that he doesn't know what to do with it. He asks to go to the pawn shop and you are in trouble.