Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Sometimes when all is quiet on the home front, which would make it 5am or midnight, I like to browse the archives. Walk the hallowed halls of life with four and remember all of the things I've forgotten since 2005. I usually type a word or phrase into search blog and see what comes up. I like the suspense. Try it. Type in one word like, Summer, Spring, Fair, Play, Walk, Dirt, Leaf, Van or Syrup. This is homework, people. Report your findings to me. No talking.


Karla with a K said...

I'll try syrup later. I chose dirt instead.
Precious photo.

Also, does coffee still taste like dirt now? (For some reason, I thought you were a drinker. Of coffee, I mean.) I'm drinking mine now.

Back later.

Carla said...

I shall add dirt to the list.

Type coffee into search. :)

Karla with a K said...

Doh! I'll try that now :D

Karla with a K said...

Ok, I have to go back when I have time for every nugget of that gold mine. So... you drink coffee... but sometimes it still tastes like dirt?

Me too!!!!! What I mean is, my order is small or medium (and as quickly as I get hooked on caffeine, it is usually decaf or 1/2 caf,) VERY light, with 1 sugar. Only one sugar so I can add more only if I need it. Other than that, you will never find me ordering, eating, going anywhere near anything flavored "mocha." Yuck!

But I love my coffee.

erin said...

I looked up "cooking."
Here's a quote of what I found:
"I might think twice the next time I tell the children, 'Find Something To Do!'"

the fam said...

My word search was "humor" since you crack me up. Not all the posts that came up were humorous.
One was very "real." It made me remember that not only are you funny, but you are a sister in Christ and and that made me very happy.

Amongst the posts, I did find Carla's Cardinal Rules of Humor. How 'bout a refresher:

1. Carla is Court Jester of Stream Castle.
2. A joke Carla thinks is funny can never be unfunny.
3. Saying a joke to infinity just makes it funnier.
4. "A guy walks into a bar" type jokes are never appropriate for children, although "A duck walks into a hardware store" type jokes are hilarious.

(Amen to number 3!)

And now a science joke in honor of your science-ness:

Two atoms are talking:
"Help, somebody has stolen one of my electrons!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm positive!"

And, by the way, my word verification is "st. hoti' Is it talking about me or you?

Carla said...

I mean st. hoti. Thank you for the recap!! The one serious post was when we were reported to social services. Ugh. God brought us through that. :) It is in the side bar-Reported Story.

The joke you told is funny infinity.

Janet said...

I typed a long comment and lost it somehow...
(Short and sweet is good, I guess.)

Type in "CAMERA". Great stuff!
I LOVE "Jump, Woman!"

Janet said...

I'm so glad you were blessed with a good outcome in "Reported Story. I would have lost my mind for sure.
Why didn't they initially contact your pediatrician about such a simple thing as weight before opening a formal case?? Wouldn't that have nipped it in the bud? It's good that you posted it. People might think twice when they consider reporting someone they don't even know!!

My verfiy word is sents (Sense) They should have had some common sense. YIKES.

Unknown said...

First word that came to mind... Booger

Surprisingly with four kids only one post came up.

Karla with a K said...

Boy, I thought I was going to get to be teacher's pet.
Glad to see everyone doing their homework, even though it's summer vacation.

Carla said...

Let's just say "That's Wisconsin for ya!!" Hard to believe that instead of getting involved and "loving your neighbor" you would report them to the authorities. It was terrifying.

I totally forgot about Jump, Woman! Thanks! :)

I am not all that fond of the word booger. Except when Hugh calls his wife SugarBooger in Jimmy Neutron.

I must say I love all of you equally and you are all my favorite students!!

Chris Arsenault said...

You almost had me there - I typed a word into the box and went to hit the button, and I wondered why search was spelled S U B S C R I B E ?

Oh - that's right - this is a blogger blog...

Trick homework Carla?

Carla said...

You got me there, Chris. :)

It's all about the numbers.