Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Told Ya So

I was gone over the weekend and my husband had the following phone conversation.

Woman from the US Census Bureau "Is Patrick Stream there?"
Patrick "Yes, this is he."
Woman "I am from the US Census Bureau and I need to ask you a few questions about the census you just filled out. We need to clarify the information about the birthdates of your children.
Patrick(laughing out loud)"My wife told me you might be calling!!"
Woman "Could you please give us the birthdates for all of your children?"

Patrick managed The Bigs just fine.

Patrick"Um, well I have a 4 1/2 year old and a 2 1/2 year old too. One was born in January and the other was born in November. "

She did the math.


Anonymous said...


Katie R. said...

He knew how old they were, the rest is just silly details.

Well, unless you're with the US Census Bureau.

Carla said...

OR the birthday boy.

Kara Jo said...

Ha! That totally would have been Wade, too.