Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Ride the roller coaster of emotion that is my daughter won't you?
She came in from school and said all this, "Hi, I have a headache, I didn't drink water all day, my knee still hurts and Katy kicked me(starts to cry)and then she told me she was going to tell Lauren if I kicked her back and I don't want to lose my frrriiiieeennnnddddsss! Oh, and I found this rock!(starts to smile)What's for snack?"


MaryLu said...

Wow, what a ride!! Can we go again?

kristi noser said...

That first hill is a killer.

LadyD said...

How Sweet! Sounds like she recited everything she wanted to tell you on the way home, I used to do that during my bus ride home & it would all spurt out quick, before I forgot anything~

FYI: I read up on the rules/laws, and met with the principal, and children are allowed to bring a personal water bottle to keep at their desk at school. My kids were having bad headaches too and once we started sending them each their own water bottle every day- the headaches stopped. They were getting seriously dehydrated. Sips from the water fountain just don't cut it. We also have sent juice bags or juice boxes with everyday for them to take to lunch, so they don't have to drink milk. That is allowed by law also. Children need to drink half of their weight in ounces of water each day!
(64 pound kid= 32 minimum ounces of water each day)(4 8oz. cups)
The school just does not provide that. And they need even more in the hot weather and when they are active!
Sorry for the book. You hit my Mommy bone.

Katie R. said...

I bet that was said all in one breath too.

Anonymous said...

Here's another -

My first-grader's teacher sent home one of those helpful hint sheets that contained this:
Something about dehydration causing your brain to be 20% less efficient. (It was either that, or that your brain only worked at 20% it's capacity when dehydrated. I know that's a big difference, but actually, either one is bad.)

So I sent it back to her saying thank you, that explains a lot about MYSELF and that I would be drinking more water. =)

I see it is a loop coaster... does it go backwards, too?

Anonymous said...

I've ridden that one too, Carla.