Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wear Me Out

I never got into the "baby wearing" movement. I am not knocking it, I just never signed up. After "wearing" a babe on the inside for 10 months I didn't want to wear that same babe on the outside. Timmers signed me up on Friday. He came down with a cold, which included, but was not limited to a fever, coughing, runny nose, and nonstop fuss. I have been wearing that boy for 4 days now. He is not up yet for the day, but this Momma can only hope and pray that all 30 pounds of him can stand on his own two little feet. I am completely worn out.


LadyD said...

Hope he is feeling better today....On days like that I just completely give up on cooking and cleaning. We just sit together on the floor and play toys and watch T.V. & order takeout for dinner- It's a lot easier on the back...L.

MaryLu said...

Just imagain if you were 30 pounds heavier yourself.
When I "wear" my almost 2 yr old, I use it as a good motivation for reducing my own weight.

Carla said...

I am 30 pounds heavier...than when I graduated high school.

He is Mr. Spry today! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Glad he's feeling better.

ps I'll get back to the email when I have more time - thanks

Kara Jo said...

Nathan threw a fit in Aldi today. (You've been there. You can understand.) A screaming bloody murder fit. People staring at you kind of fit. This prompted my offer to carry him to keep him quiet. He was pleased as punch with that option. But my arm wasn't. I lasted a whole 3&1/2 minutes before I thought my arm would fall off. I don't know what I'm going to do next week.
I feel for you. You're building up some great muscles for sure.