Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Time Away

This week I had planned on getting so much done. I have so much to do! The fire at school will keep Joshua and Sarah home through Friday. Crazy how that goes sometimes.
I leave Saturday morning for a conference in Texas. Operation Outcry will be recognized at this conference. I hope to join their leadership team. There have been many exciting things that have happened since I typed out my abortion experience. Soon and very soon I will get to help other hurting women. My voice will be one of thousands this weekend and that, my friends is a very good thing.
So my week isn't going like I had planned. Wah. I do know one thing for sure. I will be sooooo ready to sit on a plane, close my eyes and enjoy the Carlatime. I will just tell all of the passengers to ignore any hysterical laughter coming from my direction.


Katie R. said...

I'm so proud of you. I can just imagine how good it will feel to sit on a plane by yourself..youknowwhatImean. Those flight attendants will bring you beverages and peanuts and all you need to do is sit.

Congratulations on the confrence and know I'll be praying for you. You are amazing and God will use your loss for good Carla dear. Be safe my friend.

Butrfly Garden said...

Carla, I hope you have a wonderful time!! Make sure you get to see the river walk if you get a chance!

It's so inspiring to see you making such a difference!

Have a safe trip!

kristi noser said...


Unknown said...

I don't remember inserting a link for you in this post.

Carla said...

Your gwasshoppa is learning.

Kara Jo said...

Carla, I'm so proud of you! Go be a witness for Christ this weekend--and ENJOY yourself!!!


zcoffeegirl said...

FYI...they don't feed you on those sure to pack some chow. Oh, and you can bring a water bottle that's empty and fill it up once you're past security.
Signed...ISFJ....let me know if you need any more lists.

erin said...

Please keep us posted! You will be in my prayers.
I hope you have some GREAT Carlatime and glorify God at the same time.
: )

Anonymous said...

Hell, I'll take some Carla Time!

I'd like to know more about this cause.

-V- said...

Carla - blessings on you as you go! He goes ahead of you and walks beside you and is SO all over this. Thank you for letting Him work through your life and your authentic redemption/restoration story; I see His beauty in you.

Carla said...

Hi Meg,
Operation Outcry gathers declarations(stories)from women and men and the devastating effects abortion has had on their lives. My little story went to the Supreme Court along with 1,000 others. The court is listening. However, Operation Outcry is now prayerfully seeking 1 millions declarations.
When Roe V Wade was passed the court decided that

It's not a baby.
Abortion helps women.

Everyone, including the Supreme Court knows it's a baby. 1 million declarations would show the court that abortion HURTS women.

Thank you, V. Sweet girl.