Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What Are They Called?!

I have been elevated to Supercool Mom status. I know. Hard to believe but I am not lying. Joshua came home with a paper thingie and told me how it works. Oh, if you could have seen his face when I told him that not only did I KNOW what it was and KNOW how to play-I could MAKE one myself! With further ado, I give you PAPER THINGIES THAT ELEVATED ME TO SUPERCOOL MOM STATUS!


Bananas said...

Oh I used to ADORE those! But I have NO IDEA what they're called. Do they have a name? I can't be sure!
If you find out, be sure and let us know!

Katie R. said...

I wasn't even a super-cool kid! I never did learn how to make those. sigh. I loved playing with those things.

Carla said...

I shall offer a class of sorts. What are they called?!

Anonymous said...

Um...it's called a Fortune Teller. I know. Ew.

Katie, this is for you:
http://funschool.kaboose.com (search for "fortune teller")

erin said...

We used to call them fortune tellers, too.

Katie R. said...

I thank you. I too may now be called Supercool. I knew if I was patient it would happen one day. Yes!

Carla said...

Fortune Tellers? That's no fun. Paper Thingies. I stand by that name. Christened in my head then.

Kara Jo said...

I didn't know they had a name, but I remember using them as a kid to predict who was going to marry who, or who your next boyfriend in 3rd grade would be.

What do you do with them nowadays?

Carla, congrats on the cool mom status.

Anonymous said...

I googled these one day when my kids wanted to make them. Some people call them Cootie Catchers.

theswamphare said...

O.K., I had someone show me how to make a paper hat when we were at the Children's Theater and yesterday at 'Gym and Swim' Allie Thomas showed me how to 'make a pig out of your homework'...
I was wondering where I was going to learn how to make that paper thing you made; are you going to be at AWANA tonight?

theswamphare said...

Oh, and you've always been a super-cool mom. I'll bring the hat and pig.

Katie R. said...

Paper Crafts Night at AWANA featuring Fortune Tellers. That is going to go over so splendidly, dontcha think?