Friday, September 21, 2007

The Big Move

I have counted down to this weekend for awhile now. Moving our 20 month old out of Mom and Dad's room. Nathan and his bigboybed are now with Sarah and he went right down for his nap. Timmers wasn't so impressed with his new surroundings. I have him in the same bed, same blankies, same pull the string sing-song puppy. He screamed, cried, fussed and settled into a slow whine after 30 minutes. Now he is just talking.(why me? why me? how can this be happening to me?)This part doesn't bother me so much. He is fine. Nathan is fine. I'm pretty sure Queenie McSarahBear will have a few things to say when she gets home from school today.


kristi noser said...

Let me know if I need to make a chammomile run.

Carla said...

He's sleeping like a 20 month old right now! Thanks.

theswamphare said...

just tell him that those dust bunnies under mom and dad's bed are really 'Ghost poop' and that's why you moved him.


kristi noser said...

How did it go?

Carla said...

Let's just say I am glad I started on a Friday. Still in the "adjustment phase" with the new roomies. Timmers is fine. :)