Friday, August 24, 2007


Dear Sir,
Did you see the sign? It is an octagon, which means it has 8 sides. The sign is red, the letters are white. The word says STOP. S says sssssss, T says tuh, tuh, tuh, O says aw, aw, aw, and P says puh, puh, puh. Sound it out. STOP. The sign does not say YIELD or TAP-N-GO or BREEZE ON THROUGH, BUDDY. It's the law and adds order to our universe. You have no idea I am a mom. My talking to thin air might have clued you in. I carry precious cargo and am always on the lookout for you.
The Mom

Dear Sir,
The light turned green and you laid on the horn. Sorry. My foot was still on the brake. I guess I should long for the sound of squealing tires and the smell of scorching rubber like yourself. But I don't. You see, I carry 4 cherubs in my van. They need my protection. They need my defensive driving skills to be watching out for you, an accident waiting to happen. I hope and pray you arrived at your destination one second earlier than planned and that your middle finger was happy to be used. In case your were wondering, the five of us made it home safely.
The Mom


theswamphare said...

Swampy likes to drive
he likes to meet rude drivers
he will follow them

When they have to stop
with his double-bladed axe
he offers advice

They stare at the axe
"You should have left earlier;
it's a lot safer."

He goes on to say
"If you want to keep your parts;
don't wave them at me."

Swampy believes that
road-side education is
a good teaching tool.

erin said...

Breeze on through, Buddy.
I'll ask Richard to be a little nicer to you on the road.

erin said...

Just to clarify--Rich isn't a flipper-offer. He's a breezer-througher.
Will that change when he has a baby of his own?

Carla said...

Thanks for apologizing for Rich. :O
I think there is a definite change in driving habits when a wee one is in the car.

kristi noser said...

My open letter.

Dear Mr. Mayor of Hudson,
You say we need no more money in the budget for police officers. Two at a time is plenty for a town of TEN THOUSAND. I say we put you in the street at Carla's corner and soon you will see the error in your decision. Unless tire tracks on your chest are not enough indication for you.