Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sweet Pea

I babysat the other day for a pumpkinboy around the same age as Timothy. He was quiet, sweet and oh so very quiet! I spent most of the day trying to make him smile. He ignored me. Timmers and Sweetness babbled away to each other. One would talk like an alien and the other would hand over a sippy cup or toy car. I was amazed. They played, ate, napped, and played. I thought I might want to trade 2 of mine for this dreampie. Momma came to pick him up. He ran to her and threw his arms around her calves, hanging on for dear life and whining LOUDLY. Was he trying to escape my evil clutches and the horror that is our home? The whine became a wail and I watched her try to fold him into his carseat. He fought the good fight but lost. I could still hear him as they pulled away. About that trade. MmmmmmNooooo, I have some of those myself, thanks.


theswamphare said...

He just didn't want to leave your house.


Carla said...

Awwwww thanks man.

kristi noser said...

I figured that would happen. When I did daycare, I called that behavior "mommy syndrome". Not usually a pretty picture.

Brillig said...

Hahaha. Yeah. Sometimes when I pick the kids up from the Church's nursery, they tell me how angelic and quiet my kids are... Um.... No. Not with me, they aren't!