Monday, July 23, 2007

Not Buying It

I run a tight ship. As per my refrigerator degunking schedule today was the big day! 6 years fairly flies by, doesn't it?! I got in there and scraped, scrubbed and freshened. I thought I might like the beast better. I don't. It's mine though. All mine. Harvest Gold. 30 years old. Mine. Sarah wondered aloud what I was doing as she watched me take out all of the expired salad dressing, scrub and put them back. She had a suggestion which, personally I like! She said,"Why don't you just buy a new fridge?"


kristi noser said...

I am inspiration.

Carla said...

Got that right babe!

moosh in indy. said...

The power company will usually pay you to buy a new fridge.

erin said...

Perhaps instead of a new fridge, it's time to buy more salad dressing...