Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I ventured into a new grocery store today. It was the grand opening of Stream's Grocery. Sarah Stream is the manager. I was impressed at first. There were boxes and boxes of carbs, a cash register and money. I had a hard time with the manager. She actually stood there and yelled at my children, "Stop it! Put that down! That's not for sale! Put that back I said!"(I know she's only 6 and crabby from working full time but come on!)I was only allowed one paper sack for all of my purchases and I almost choked when she told me my total was Four Ninety Thousand dollars! She swiped my card, told me to restock the shelves and then asked me to leave. I won't be back. Until tomorrow.


Unknown said...

huh. I bought some Altoids the other day for 2-4-3-2-9. Not knowing how much that was exactly I said I didn't have any $3.00 bills and she said "OK, then it's 25 cents." Cool store, so unpredictable.

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

I don't think I can afford to shop at Stream's! I hope she gives you the you-gave-birth-to-me discount next time!

Carla said...

Yes, I'll take any discount this girl can give me!

Sarahviz said...

Too cute! That was a totally creative post!

Carla said...

Thank you trenchmom. Store opens at 7am. Share the joy.