Saturday, June 02, 2007


I just read that children under the age of 3 should not watch more than 30 minutes of tv. In my house exactly what would that look like? I have 3 cherubs over the age of 3 and 1 under. Poor Timmers. He is quickly losing patience with his momma as I frantically crawl after him to put earmuffs over is ears and cover his eyes with my hands at minute 31.


kristi noser said...

Here is a math solution for you.
Joshie is 10, so he, as 7-over-3 gets 210 minutes of tv per day. Sarah, at 7 gets 120 minutes per day. Nathan at the "magic number" gets three hours (I don't know why, I just guessed)--so 180 minutes. Add these all up and with Timmers' 30 minutes you can pretty much let them watch tv all day.

Oh, and if I got anyone's age wrong, please adjust accordingly.

Carla said...

Whew. I knew someone out there would have all of the answers! Thank you, Kristi. Gotta go turn on the tv.

Brillig said...

Oh, I know!!! They do get so fussy about the earmuffs thing!

I break this rule. A lot. I monitor what they watch, but I don't set a time limit. And honestly? I give them good shows to watch and they learn SO MUCH!

I love Kristi's math solution. hahahaha.

Sarahviz said...

Wow. The TV police should be coming to arrest me any moment now! I'm in MAJOR violation!