Sunday, May 07, 2006


When Joshua was 2 or so and eating more big people food he would moan while he ate. Maybe moan isn't the word I am thinking of. Groan? No, that isn't it either. He would make the sound a car makes when it won't turn over. RRRRRRRNNNNNNN RRRRRRNNNNNNN RRRRRRNNNNNNNN. Grandma came down one night for supper and we kept talking louder and louder. We were trying to speak over the boy. Out to eat and Joshua did the same thing. We left amid the stares. A couple of parents and their first born, enjoying a night on the town. Joshua has outgrown THAT habit, we are now working on the burping and the laughing about the burping.

1 comment:

kristi noser said...

Eli used to do that!!