Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Sick Day

I figured that today might be a lazy day, what with two sickly children. Nothing big...just runny noses, coughs, and sore throats. I was immediately called for nursing duty. Sarah needed pillows, blankets, hot water then cold water, a washcloth for her head, a banana, an apple, books, and markers. Nathan wanted me. Just me. He wanted to sit on what is left of my lap and whine MomMomMomMomMom. He did extraordinarily well with both of those things. The tv was on...Hi Clifford the Big, Red Dog...I love you. Hey, Elmo thanks for stopping in. Zoboomafoo, you're the best.
Now that both of the kids are off to dreamland I can honestly say that I am glad I get to stay home. I can't imagine trying to get to work or calling in sick for work or trying to find alternate daycare. I am privileged to work in the corporate world of professional motherhood.

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