Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Demolition Man

Nathan has been busy today. I can only sit in amazement and watch him destroy the house! I have had to refill Griffen's water and food supply twice today and not because fatcat is eating it....Nathan is dumping the water into the food. Now, if it was the kind of catfood that made its own gravy, then wow the little man is really helping me out here!! I have watched him take all of the cushions off the couch, dump out the toybox, spread the MarbleWorks and marbles everywhere, tip over a desk full of alphabet letters, and take out every book from the basket. That's in the span of 10 minutes! When he gets into the kitchen..same story, different medium. Tupperware with lids strewn everywhere along with potholders, ovenmitts, pots, pans and wooden spoons. I appreciate the fact that he wants to be near Mommy when I cook but I just may break my neck. How could I have so quickly forgotten this stage?? Maybe he has had enough of my asking him to "please help Mommy pick up" or he doesn't like the CLEAN UP song because his latest feat is simply opening up the front door and taking off!! We can run away together I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds fun. let me know if there's room for one more. At least for two hours anyway, until Anna gets hungry again.