Saturday, December 09, 2017

Pounding the Pavement

Door knocking with Carla Stream. She asked "What has it been like 9 hours already?"
Uh, 40 minutes babe.

This is what I said while door knocking yesterday. "Hi my name is Carla Stream and I am running for County Board. I need signatures on this petition to get my name on the ballot for the April 3rd election. If you would be willing to sign I would really appreciate it."
This is what this INTROVERT was afraid she might say, " UM I UHHH. Hi. I don't normally talk to strangers and I don't remember my name. But I am running for something. County Board?? This paper is important. I'm not sure why. You should sign it. And don't be alarmed when I burst into tears and run down the street."

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