Oh my. Already time to put my thinking cap on and try to remember all of the things I was supposed to remember to tell you about my family. I will start with the cat.
Griffen is 13 years old. He is actually lazier than he was last year. He has to take naps after he gets done napping. But since people keep telling me cats can live to be 20 I am feeling much more encouraged about him.7 more years of feline bliss. We helped him don his Christmas sweater this year complete with a santa hat and white beard. He loved it. I could tell.
Tim. timtimtim. He is becoming a big boy. I think. Still working hard in 1st grade with numbers and letters. Trying to keep up with his older siblings and begging his parents for a dog. He gave mommy head lice for Christmas. If it weren't for Timothy my life would not be the same. He keeps us marching on.
Nathan is a thinker. A talker. A dreamer. A builder. All good and fun things. He stumps mom on a regular basis with the questions he has. Since his love language is physical touch we hug it out everyday. He has no choice. He had a benign lump removed from his forehead this year and has a small scar which is better than a benign lump.
Sarah loves middle school and all the socialization that entails. She is focused on school work and straight A's. And inline skating with Daddy. 10 miles has been accomplished. She lost her hamster Lumpy in the last year. The service was beautiful. Mascara is now allowed. She is growing up and mom and dad are completely against that. She says two words consistently. One Direction.
Joshua has transitioned to the life of a highschool freshman. His shoulders and back ache with the 30 pounds of books that he carries. He loves all of his teachers and enjoys telling upperclassmen that he is a junior. In the spring he will drive. That's a very real threat. He volunteers with the 3rd grade boys Awana group. He tells me that all they do is sit on each other's heads between verse recitations.
Carla began substitute teaching this fall. Wow. It is nice to get those brain cells working again in the classroom. She makes at least one child cry whenever she subs. Wiped out describes her pretty well when she gets home. She now sidewalk counsels outside of the 3rd largest abortion mill in the nation. Planned Parenthood in St. Paul, MN. Heart wrenching. She still finds time for herself at Walmart and Aldi. Her only goal at 47 years old is napping. With Griffen.
Patrick lost 63 pounds in the last year and inline skates like a pro. He has met and exceeded many of his goals!! He works hard for the money and is also still involved with many things at Faith Community Church. He puts up with so much from his wife it is a wonder they are heading into 19 years of marriage. Patience is a virtue. So grateful to God for such a loving husband and daddy!
There you have it. We are perfect. Our kids are smart, beautiful, accomplished and so much better than yours. We continue to do this life like nobody's business. Yeah. The Streams have it alllllllllllll figured out.
Love it! Merry Christmas!
This is beautiful, love it!! Noni
You crack me up! I love keeping up with your family and all of the twists and turns. I thought about you last week as our Hodags took on the Hudson boys' basketball team in a holiday tournament.
Who won?
And whatsa Hodag?
Sounds all Good!
I just read this. In July. My favorite Christmas letter to date. Last year. Write a book already woman. You DO have it all figured out. Thanks for the smiles tonight. Love you.
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