Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thank you Joshua

for eating the rest of the dill pickles and saving the pickle juice for the rest of your family. You just never know when one of us will have a hankerin for a swig.


Karla with a K said...

omg, and then is there also a new jar in there? That's how they do it in my family.
Thanks for this.

kristi noser said...

set up the martini bar!

Keithslady said...

I used to cut up carrots and put them in the pickle juice. My kids thought they were wonderful. I haven't done it in a long time (probably don't think about because I don't like it).

Carla said...

I would love it if you came over and chopped carrots. That'd be awesome!

Shiphrah said...

I would LOVE to send some encouragement that when your son gets older, he won't do this anymore but........I can't.

Carla said...

Dear Shiphrah,

Maybe Joshua's wife will blog about it one day.