Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I try to make the Stream mornings around here peaceful. Even though the two youngest boys are prone to leap out of bed screaming and wrestling at 6:50am. But I digress. I make a hot breakfast every morning, I help pack cold lunches, I set out reminders and signed permission slips and checks for field trip fun. I set mittens and hats over the radiators so they are all warmed up. I pray over and with my children and also make sure they are hugged and kissed and hear the words, "I LOVE YOU!" before they head to school.

Joshua came home the other day and walked in the door and sighed with a great big smile on his face. He said, "Hi Mom! I love coming home! Our house is so cozy and sometimes I just can't wait to get here!"

The little things that I do in my life for those God has blessed me with will one day be the big things.


Kara Jo said...

THAT nearly made me cry. You hear something like that and it makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it...

kristi noser said...

I heart Joshua.

MaryLu said...

Oh Carla,
I read your blog in a reader, so I don't often come over and comment, but Joshua's response warms my mamma's heart. One day I long to hear things like that. Sweet, sweet, sweet.
God's blessing to you,

Brenda said...

Nice! Those moments will wash away a million "you gotta be kidding me" moments!

erin said...

THANK YOU! Thanks for being such a great mom and thank you for writing this inspiring post!