Instead of saying, "I walked 20 miles to school in blinding snowstorms barefoot!" I imagine my children saying something like this to their own.
"I had to open the van door myself!"
"I had to walk 3 blocks to school!"
"I didn't get a cell phone until I was 14 years old!"
"Our flat screen was only 42'!"
"I had to rent Wii games!"
"Our computer was in the living room!"
"We didn't even have a tv in our van!"
"I had to watch VHS tapes!"
"I had to read these things called books!"
such hardship the world has never seen.
I had to put my dishes in the sink.:(
I had to GET UP to change the channel on the TV.
We were just talking about this the other day. For awhile there we were looking into maybe getting a new van. Judah overheard one of Michael and my conversations and informed us that we NEEDED to get a van with automatic sliding doors. I joked with him by asking when did he get so lazy that he needed help to shut a door ;) Now it's a big inside joke at our house. When did we get so lazy to change the channel? When did we get so lazy to write a letter? When did we get so lazy that we would rather watch the movie instead of reading the book? When did we get so lazy to.....
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