Thursday, January 27, 2011



Kandi said...

Oh.My.Gosh. I come across this statement so many times every day, and, every time, I shake my head. Have we as a society become so stupid that we have to have this printed on a blank piece of paper to make us feel better?

Don't answer that.

Carla said...

Yes. I mean no. I mean I don't know.

What if it were accidentally left blank?

erin said...

Are you editing something?

Carla said...

Not that I am aware of.

kristi noser said...

colossal waste of paper. the corporate world at its finest.

Janet said...

What's wrong with me? Am I not reading enough? I never see this.

Carla said...

I usually see it in the tons of administrative hand outs I get from public school.

kristi noser said...

I always get them in my investment and insurance statements.

Karla with a K said...


Karla with a K said...

Previous comment intentionally blank.

(Except for the period. Required field cannot be left blank.)

Janet said...

kristi noser,
In addition to a waste of paper, it's a waste of ink.

I like Karla with a K's idea.



Jen B said...

It's not really blank, is it. They wrote on it.

Carla said...

Jen B

YES!!! It is just one of the goofiest things I've seen.

Anonymous said...

Ya - why do they put that? Are we going to write to the publisher and ask why the page was blank. How about the thing on the vitamin label that says - "do not eat silica packet - leave in bottle" why do they think we are so stupid ... ya - that's a rhetorical question. LOL!