Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bad Spellers

of the world UNTIE!! Sarah has a hard time with spelling. Lots of crying this week over spelling homework. If she doesn't know how to find the misspelled words how in the world does she figure out the correct spelling of the misspelled words if she finds them??


kristi noser said...
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Jana from Running Vegetarian said...

I love riddles!

Spelling has never been my strong point. I rely on spell check far to often.

Carla said...

I love spelling and I have to stop myself from grabbing her spelling workbook and finishing it up.

Karla with a K said...

I like spelling too.
I don't like our on-line dictionary though. It's not all polite like google and Word where if you misspell your word, they ask "did you really mean THIS?" On-line dictionary just says it can't find your word.
Thanks. If I knew how to spell it, I wouldn't be asking you now, would I?

erin said...

I love spelling, too. I wish I could help. Do they give her a list of words?

Carla said...

In her spelling workbook is a full page about something. Every line has at least one misspelled word and she has to find it and correct it. Bah.

So many Sarah tears shed over the thang.

Reegz said...

I love spelling too! Too much! So much that I need to point out that Jana spelled to wrong.