Tuesday, November 09, 2010

My youngest is highly allergic to the word NO. When it is said to him he begins thrashing wildly, screaming at the top of his lungs and may at times run away or kick his feet and punch a wall. It all depends. During the course of a day of being a SAHM I say no to him. I brace myself for the reaction and deal with it the best I can. Which is not very well lately. I am tired. After a whole day of Tim I am beyond exhausted. I am shot by 6pm. I do not seem to get much accomplished during the day although I would like to. Really I would. I would like to be the kind of mom that does it all and then some. Surviving the no fallout and loving my boy is all I can do right now. It is enough. I have to believe that God will take my little and make it much someday.

Commenting "Hang in there." is not necessary.


Kandi said...

It goes without saying that you should hang in there.
(Yes, I know you're gonna slap me for that one. It was worth it.)

Carla said...

My finger is on delete. Deleting in love of course.

Brenda said...

It goes without saying that he will probably outgrow this someday (likely), OR you will get to the point that you forget the word no (not likely).

Seriously, though, the moms who "do it all and then some" always make me a bit nervous.


Anonymous said...

You are "lifeshaping." The "NO" represents his desire to go his own way, do his own thing, be his own "god." It is a battle Satan does not want you to win - that's why it is so tough. The battle is long, life-long in fact, but you are laying the beginnings of the foundation Tims will build on. Your faithfulness is Tims' gain. God bless Moms (and give them strength!) for the battles they fight on behalf of their kids. (that's a wordy way of saying "hang in there.")


Jana from Running Vegetarian said...

Sounds like you have a little Jana on your hands. I do believe I might need to make a phone call to my mom later today to apologize and say THANKS.

Tims will appreciate all you do for him one day. I promise. I love my mom to death and can't imagine my life without her. We had many battles while I grew up but now she is one of my best friends.

Karla with a K said...

I think I'm going to go without saying, anything.

Carla said...

Say something, Karla. :)

Thank you for the comments. It means a lot to this Mommy.

Karla with a K said...

You do know that was a joke(?)
I actually was going to say exactly what Kandi said.

But my other thought was a story a priest shared. I won't say the whole story - but bottom line of it is that sometimes, the no fallout, and especially the loving your boy, sometimes that is all you're supposed to get done in a day.

I know. I've had the very frustration myself. So don't hang in there, ok? But just know you aren't alone. And He's happy with what you've accomplished, even if you aren't.

MaryLu said...

Tims and my Boo Boo must be related. I feel your pain, honey. But, buck up, (that's not "hang in there" is it?) children won't stay 4 years old forever. And with your careful guidance and teaching, they will outgrow this allergy. (We can only hope and pray that it's sooner rather than later.)

erin said...

I love you.
Also, I love Carole.

Janet said...


Sometimes you just have to breakdown and cry in front of the kids to make them feel sorry for you. Hopefully they'll behave for at least few hours.

If you can, let Daddy take over and treat yourself to something you'd love, like a movie, a nap, a walk in the woods, etc..., at least once a week.

Praying for you. Being a Mom is the hardest job in the world, so don't be too hard on yourself.