Sunday, November 28, 2010


I realized while trying to frost cupcakes for Nathan's birthday that I hadn't done it for awhile. Like falling off a bicycle, how hard could it be? Please notice that cupcakes 1-8 are the practice cakes while cupcakes 9-15 are for show.


kristi said...

They look yummy though!

kristi noser said...

go apply for a job with the Cake Boss!
(comments from 2 Kristis in a row--who else gets that?)

Carla said...


I will mosey on over to the Cake Wrecks blog and have a good laugh. :)

Brenda said...

Y.U.M. Chocolate cupcakes AND chocolate icing. Who cares what they look like!


Kara Jo said...

I'd eat the practice ones. You are funny.

erin said...

You kill me, woman.