Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I throw out all the holiday toy catalogs before they ever reach the hot little hands of my children. They might come down with a touch of the gimmies or a fatal case of the wanties.


Janet said...

LOL!. I do the same with the "American Girl" catalogues!

Henrietta G. Tavish said...

You should give them the catalogs AS Christmas presents instead of actual gifts. Nothing kids enjoy more than letting their imaginations run wild over things they can never have.

Carla said...

Character building eh, Henrietta?

Henrietta G. Tavish said...

Yes, character building. Especially when you then take them to Toys R Us to visit the gifts, like it was a zoo. Looking but no buying. You will learn to say no and they will learn what no means.

Carla said...

I'll tell them Toys R Us is a toy museum.

kristi noser said...

HGT I love you. No, really.

Henrietta G. Tavish said...

Kristi! I love you too! No, really. Really, really no. And I mean no. Really!

Henrietta G. Tavish said...

When my mom took me to the doctor, she told me it was a hypodermic needle and blood test museum. That realiy calmed me down.

Carla said...

Methinks Henrietta needs her own blog. Not that I don't appreciate her here. No, really.

kristi noser said...


Scholar and Sailor said...

This also works for husband-themed catalogues, like the 8th version of Cabelas or LL Bean Special Holiday Camping edition....