Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Don't Say It

You know that saying? The one that goes It Goes Without Saying? That one. I love it. I love it so much more when others abide by it and not say it. There is just so much that goes without saying.
There is that moment in time when someone says to me, "I know this goes without saying but..."and then they say it. I really do beg them in my mind to not say it.


Kandi said...

Of course. That goes without saying.

c said...

Does it go without saying that I shouldn't have blogged that?

Carla said...

c is me

Pat said...

This is kinda like a post about nothing.

What are you saying?

Carla said...

You shouldn't have said that.

Karla with a K said...

But that goes without saying.

Henrietta G. Tavish said...

Some people announce they're just about to leave your house after a party, but keep hanging around until you hint you have to go to bed. They say without going.

kristi noser said...

BAHAHAAAA!!! You kill me.

Janet said...

With my family, that goes without saying.

Karla with a K said...

H - that was a good one.

Carla said...

You make me laugh.