Wednesday, October 06, 2010


My Tims is a Cubbie this year in Awana. He is to learn verses, see friends, sing and laugh and try to not run screaming down the halls. He had 4 verses to learn for tonight. This is how it has gone so far.
Mom "The Cubbie motto is Jesus loves me. Can you say that?"
Tim "Jesus."
Mom "Loves."
Tim "Jesus."
Mom "Me."
Tim "Jesus."


Karla with a K said...

He has consistency going for him.

Kara Jo said...

Ha! And he's got the right focus! Jesus is always the answer, right. :)

Jen B. said...

We're going through the same thing. But we extend rather than abbreviate: Jesus woves the wittle chiwdren of the world, mom. Am I a wittle chiwdren of the world?

the fam said...

I love AWANA! I was a Cubbie and/or a Sparks leader for many years! At that age, there was such a range of interest and ability. Hang in there. Osmosis is a good thing!