Pharmguy "Carla Dream? Dream as in nightmare?"
Me "No. Stream as in river."
Pharmguy "Stream as in river?"
Me "Yes."
Because I have Fourby40 I happen to know that a dream is a dream and a nightmare is a nightmare. Totally not the same thing. But I digress. I should have just answered YES to his first question. Carla Dream. I like it.
I've always felt that "Stream as in river" was a stretch. Streams are not rivers, technically, but I always use the comparison.
But, dream as in nightmare. New level.
Stream as in stream.
Carla Dream. Dreamy Carla. Sounds romantic. :)
I think Stream is a beautiful last name.
Hallblade. No one can understand it, spell it, or pronounce it. I have to break it down like a compound word. Hall and blade. Enunciation is crucial.
I like Hallblade. Especially the BLADE part. Sounds tough. Bet nobody messed with Steve in jr. high.
Hall and Blade is almost as fun as Hall and Oats.
I like the name Stream too. I do believe I am the only Carla Stream in the world. Well, I am the only one who comes up when I Google myself. Which is quite a few times a day.
I have no kids and know a dream is a dream and nightmare is a nightmare. What planet is this guy from?
Then again I dream a lot. Like several times a night while my hubby only remembers his dreams one or twice a year.
I Google myself quite a few times a day. This whole thing cracked me up.
Excuse me? Desvousges? I win.
Cracking up streams & rivers of laughters. Hilare!
Don't get me started on weird last names. I do agree with Erin getting the crown for difficulty in pronunciation. However, I believe I can have a small tiara for weirdbess in a last name. We musta really loved these boys, right?
funnier? my word verification is "nojers" HAHAHAHAAAAAA
Erin and Kristi,
Do you have a pharmacy story you would like to share with the class?
When Great Grandpa Hallblade came to America from Sweden, he changed the spelling of his last name to make it more American.
The original spelling of Hallblade is Helleblad.
I would love to be able to spell that one for people. "It's spelled H-E-double hockey sticks..."
Oh yeah!!!
Hellblade!! LOVE IT!
I do have a story--and I can't believe I spelled weirdness with a "b".
I was once paged--at the job I worked at for 8 years no less--as "Christine Oser". Still get the business for that one.
Not a pharmacy story, but I did work at a hospital--is that good?
Kristi Hellblade...hmmm...I like it. Let's all change our name to Hellblade.
With a last name like Smith, I hardly have a pharmacy or hospital story, but I googled myself once and found another Kelli McKinney Smith...she's a friend of mine on Facebook. :)
Actually, your name and b-g-b-b children (well, that and your comment on another blog) are what led me here... 3 years ago I think?
Dear Weirdbess(or is it Weird Bess?)
A hospital works for me.
Kelli Smith. I saw you and your name twin on facebook. Someone is going to The Bahamas. I wasn't sure which Kelli McKinney Smith is going though.
Did you hop over here from Because I Said So? Did I leave some snarky comment there? :) Has it really been 3 years? Would you like to play 20 questions?
It might only be 2 years. You looked it up a little while ago. It was Because I Said So, I think December, and it was a sad comment. And if you got the snail mail I sent, you will find a comment on that.
4 down, 16 to go.
I might have written about miscarriage. I vaguely remember that.
But so glad you visited and stayed!
Have not received your snail mail yet.
What does 4 down 16 to go mean, Karla? You have 4 kids so you are working on 16 more? Yeah. That must be it.
"Erin Des-vows-jess, your nipple cream is ready. Erin Des-vows-jess. Your nipple cream is ready."
OK, that didn't really happen. BUT CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?
p.s. I google myself all the time, too. I'm the only me. You may find that hard to believe.
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