Monday, September 13, 2010

New Name Part II

Received a letter today addressed to Carol Stream. This happens quite a bit. I think it would be funnier if I lived in Carol Stream, Illinois.


Janet said...

She lives in AZ now (according to the village's website).
Do you think she gets mail addressed to Carla Stream?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could go undercover as Carol Dream, fighting crime, righting wrongs, you know, stuff like that. Your cover would never be blown because if anyone ever tried to figure it out it would sound like an Abbett and Costello routine.

Dream ON!

(or is it Stream on???)


kristi noser said...

that's where Awana headquarters is.

Anonymous said...

omg, Carol, my mother-in-law calls me Karol! We have a friend Cheryl, and whenever we're all together, she gets all tongue tied between Karla and Cheryl so she calls us both Karol (only she's Carol.)

huh. and I live in Watertown.

Karla with a K said...

hm, I'm Anonymous, too, apparently. But I'l bet you figured it out anyway even without this comment.

Karol said...


Carla said...

Henceforth, I shall be forwarding all mail for Carol Stream to AZ.

Carol Dream. I like it.

Hi Karla with a K!