Tuesday, September 07, 2010


This is a serious post. Seriously.

I love/dislike fall. The changing leaves, the sweatshirt weather, a crackling fire, hearing the announcer at the high school football game just down the block, the annual marriage retreat. All good, solid reasons for love.

I have several reasons to dislike fall. The man who walked me down the aisle died on August 11th. Aubrey died September 5th. I miscarried Jamie in October. My grandma Nora died in November. I lost another baby(Lee)to miscarriage in November. It is grief that I walk with in the fall and I am ok with that. I have made friends with grief and choose not to deny it, but embrace it. The last stage of grief is acceptance. Sweet.
I know I make others uncomfortable as though I am stuck or that I shouldn't celebrate the lives of those I love or there should be no looking back. They offer their advice on how to "get over it." Bah. We grieve because we love. Simple as that.

I fall in the fall. Fall into the arms of The One who knows my pain and my grief more intimately than I do. One of the best reasons I have to love fall.


Anonymous said...


No one ever "gets over it." We each have our own way of living our life.

I don't know exactly what your denomination is, but I know that you are Christian. I am Roman Catholic. Catholics have a beautiful understanding about death. In fact, it is in the Fall that our liturgical calendar focuses most on death and the end times. At the end of October we celebrate All Souls Day. It is a day dedicated to all who have died the previous year (and before). On November 1st we celebrate All Saints Day - a day where we give special recognition to those considered saints. We believe that those who have gone before us intercede with our Lord on our behalf.

I believe that is the case with your loved ones. Who better to love us in Heaven along with the One who created us!

Grief embraced is a powerful witness to faith!

God bless you.


kristi noser said...

you paint a pretty picture with your words my friend.

Karla with a K said...

What Kristi and what Brenda said.

erin said...

I love you.

Carla said...

I love you too.